Installation profiles combine provide site features and functions for a specific type of site as a single download containing Drupal core, contributed modules, themes, and pre-defined configuration. Once installed, installation profiles can be configured and customized the same as traditionally-built Drupal sites. It will help to create new drupal instance
with minimum requirements.
Profile folder name: root/profiles/new-profile
Create the following files/folders under profiles folder(new-profile):
modules - folder
themes - folder
new-profile.profile - file
Inside this new-profile.profile file , you will write the following hook_profile_funcs().
• new-profile_profile_modules() - Core, Contributed and customized modules
to be enabled when this profile is installed
• new-profile_profile_details() - description of the profile for the
initial installation screen
• new-profile_profile_tasks() - list of tasks that this profile supports
(functions, initial database changes).